Wednesday, September 25, 2019

History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

History - Research Paper Example Each of the super power aimed at gaining maximum output and dividends from the war. United States of America for the first time aimed at keeping its influence alive in European continent unlike First World War where the Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points were written off by Congress and as a result United States of America had to persist with its policy of Isolation. The Soviet Republic on other side aimed at gaining maximum influence and claimed spoils on account of the damages incurred. Soviet Socialist State alone had suffered the maximum number of casualties both in terms of the civilian losses and the military damages incurred. Secondly on both the occasions( First World War and Second World War), U.S.S.R was being attacked by Germany and other Central powers and U.S.S.R this time aimed at ensuring that her borders are protected well enough and for that reason it wanted an influence in the regional countries. Major elements that decided and dictated the terms and conditions of Cold war were the war repatriations, economic gains, territorial benefits, and enacting political systems that would be friendly towards the respective foreign policies. Yalta Conference: The event of Yalta conference has been termed as the formal initiation of the Cold war between the two super powers. The conference and proceedings of the meeting were marked by distrust for one another and lack of common agenda amongst the two. United States wanted to maintain its influence and U.S.S.R demanded more influence in the region on account of its contributions, domination and sacrifices. The main leads of Yalta were F.D Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. The two being super power demanded more influence and say while Great Britain on account of its historic influence and being the front runner amongst the Allies in both the World Wars made up for an integral part of the entire proceedings. These three were dubbed as the Big Three from those times who majorly decided the rulings of the post war settlements. Element of Poland: Poland served as country with high interest for both the super powers. In past it had been used as a corridor and in both the world wars Russia was attacked by Germany from the route de Poland. Stalin would not settle for anything other than establishing a pro Soviet Government in Poland. U.S.A had other intentions. The decision was to be made between the Lublin Poles and the London Poles. America wanted a democratically elected government in place, and Stalin promised free and fair elections at first, however the terms were tempered and Stalin and his intelligence agencies played an influential role towards ensuring a pro Soviet government enactment in Poland, and as a result of this Lublin Poles were brought into power much to the pleasure of Soviet Republic. The course of Cold War: Formally initiated by the Yalta Conference and alleged tempering of the terms of the agreements by Stalin the proceedings to place in form of di vision of Europe into two distinct Blocs. The Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Both falling to Soviet Republic and United States of America respectively. The Eastern Europe comprised of East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungry and various other states respectively. The Western Europe constituted West Germany, Turkey, and Greece individually. Each of

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