Friday, July 26, 2019

Racial Profiling- Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racial Profiling- Reflection - Coursework Example his of course led me to research the alternatives and to look at how we could stop the use of racial profiling, while still retaining a positive approach to the reduction of crime and terrorism specifically. I discovered that our history was not extremely bright with regards to the approach to race and criminal justice. Through our past indiscretions and current problems I learned that this was an approach that required drastic change for the future well-being of the criminal justice system in our nation. My desire to pursue and realize true equality met with the reality of our current system and while slowed in my approach I have become more focused on this as an issue that must see relief. I am sickened by the use of racially motivated approaches within the system, and feel very strongly that these approaches can only further hinder our progress and the modernization of the system as it stands today. It is my desire to see an end occur regarding racial profiling and in fact any use of race as anything more than a designator within the current criminal justice system. Overall the information that I discovered in research has allowed me to approach this issue from a completely different angle than I would normally take it. That of history and the desire to be more than our

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